
Welcome to the demo installation for ILIAS 8
How can I use the demo? Click on the login icon at the top right and either log in with a dummy user or create your own account. There are dummy accounts for teachers and for learners as well as for supervisors and employees (ILIAS for organisations).
What can I do on the demo? In the category Scenarios you will find practical examples for the use of ILIAS that you can check out. In Modules & Tools there are examples of the different features.
ILIAS can be extended in its range of functions by plugins. We present some selected and freely accessible plugins under Extensions. Finally, you can create and test your own content in the Sandbox (preferably with the role of a teacher).


Practical examples for the use of ILIAS
Examples of the different functions in ILIAS
Examples of different design implementations in ILIAS
Beispiele frei verfügbarer Plugins für ILIAS
Funktionen von ILIAS selbst austesten